zenloop for WooCommerce is a Wordpress plugin that lets you:
1. trigger NPS surveys on the order-success-page of your shop or
2. add your customers to your Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys via zenloop emails.
Use WooCommerce data to schedule NPS surveys and to track and segment survey responses. In this article, you'll learn how to connect and disconnect zenloop for WooCommerce.
Before You Start
Here are some things to know before you begin this process.
This plugin requires you to have a zenloop account created (free 15 days trial)
This plugin requires you to have one survey via zenloop email or website embedded activated
This plugin requires you to have the WooCommerce plugin already installed and activated in WordPress.
Your host environment must meet WooCommerce's minimum requirements, including PHP 7 or greater.
We recommend you use this plugin in a staging environment before installing it on production servers. To learn more about staging environments, check out these related Wordpress plugins.
zenloop for WooCommerce syncs the customer's identities (first name, last name, email address) and selected properties (browser version, device type)
Task Roadmap
You'll need to do a few things to connect your WooCommerce store to zenloop:
1. Open zenloop account
Navigate to the zenloop register page
Enter your company credentials
Click “Create account”
2. Create the surveys
Create a survey to collect feedback on your online shop (checkout):
Create a survey via our “website embedded” channel.
Use the survey question “How likely are you to recommend our online shop to a friend or colleague?”
Customize language, design and your messages on the thank-you page
Enter the domain where the survey should appear in the dedicated input field
Press “Save & Exit” on the final implementation step.
The plugin will install the script for you automatically.
Create a survey to collect feedback on your shipping performance:
Create a survey via “our email” channel.
Use the survey question “How likely are you to recommend our shipping to a friend or colleague?”
Customize language, design and your messages on the thank-you page
Customize the email template, especially “From” email / name and email subject
Add recipients by choosing “zenloop API”
Click “Launch” survey
Your survey is now active and can receive recipients
3. Download the Plugin
To download the plugin, follow these steps:
Navigate to the zenloop for WooCommerce plugin page
Click the download button
Save the ZIP file on your computer.
4. Install the Plugin
Before you install zenloop for WooCommerce, make sure you've already installed and activated the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress.
To install the zenloop for WooCommerce plugin, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your WordPress Administration Screen.
2. In the left navigation panel, click Plugins, and choose Add New.
3. Click Upload Plugin.
4. Click Choose File to choose the ZIP file for the plugin, and click Install Now.
5. Click Activate Plugin.
After you activate the plugin, you'll be redirected to its Settings page, where you will connect and configure your zenloop for WooCommerce plugin.
5. Connect and Configure
You've installed and activated your plugin, and are now ready to complete the second half of the setup process on the plugin Settings page.
To navigate to this page from the Administration Screen, click Plugins, find the zenloop for WooCommerce plugin, and click Settings.
On the settings page, follow these steps to connect your WooCommerce store with zenloop and configure the plugin settings:
1. Enter your zenloop login credentials and save changes
2. Select one of your created surveys via the dropdown
3. Save all changes.
All set! The plugin will start showing the “On-Site Survey” on your WooCommerce checkout success page and send the “E-Mail Survey” to customers with “Completed” orders older than 5 days.
Requirement: Survey is created in zenloop and selected in your Plugin settings.
Next Steps
After the sync is complete, you'll have access to all features (according to your plan) of zenloop's powerful NPS platform. For example, you can:
excite and engage your organization with feedback livestreams
identify immediate insights and trends with Smart Labels (text analytics)
delight promoters and critics with personalized replies to reduce churn
empower improvements - route feedback alerts to colleagues
enrich your CRM data for better customer intelligence
trigger workflows to close the feedback loop e.g. via Zapier
Check out all benefits and read more in our support center.
Update zenloop for WooCommerce
For the latest features and best performance, make sure to use the most up-to-date version of zenloop for WooCommerce.
To update zenloop for WooCommerce, follow these steps.
1. Log in to your WordPress Administration Screen.
2. In the left navigation panel, click Plugins, and choose Installed Plugins.
3. Find the zenloop for WooCommerce plugin.
4. If you see a new update notification, click update now. If you don't see a notification, click Check for updates, then click update now.
Great job! Now you have the latest version of zenloop for WooCommerce.
Delete and Re-Install zenloop for WooCommerce
If your store connection is not working properly, you may want to deactivate and delete zenloop for WooCommerce, then re-install it.
To delete and re-install zenloop for WooCommerce, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your WordPress Administration Screen
2. In the left navigation panel, click Plugins, and choose Installed Plugins
3. Find the zenloop for WooCommerce plugin, and click Deactivate
4. Click Delete
5. In the confirm delete pop-up, click OK
6. Re-install the plugin.
After you re-install the plugin, your Woocommerce data will be synced up with your zenloop account.
Solutions to common questions:
Q – My store won't sync with zenloop.
A – If you have problems with the zenloop for WooCommerce data sync, and have already tried to delete and re-install the plugin (see above), there are a few other possible causes:
Your setup doesn't meet the minimum requirements. The WooCommerce plugin for WordPress requires PHP 7 or greater. We also recommend you update to the latest version of WooCommerce.
You have conflicts with your Wordpress Theme or other plugins. You may need to switch themes, or deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce and Zenloop for WooCommerce, and try again. To learn more, hop over to WooCommerce: Fixing Theme and Plugin Conflicts.
Q – I need to talk to support.
A – If you've tried our troubleshooting suggestions, but still have trouble with your sync, contact zenloop support. IMPORTANT: Please include the status report of your WooCommerce System and screenshots of your zenloop for WooCommerce plugin settings tab.