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Response Anonymization and Deletion

Maria Herrell
Updated 11 months ago


a) Manually via the platform

  • Go to your account and choose a survey

  • Search for a specific survey recipient using the respective e-mail address, any other identifier you are using, first and/or last name or properties

  • Click the little incognito man button on the right of the response to anonymize it

  • There will be a pop-up saying "please confirm anonymization"

  • After confirming this, all personal data of that survey recipient including identity, properties, additional answers and the comment will be lost. However, the score included in the answer will be kept. We are also keeping all smart labels that were added to the comment prior to anonymizing it. We will add an "anonymized" comment and "anonymized" properties to indicate that these data points have been anonymized. Within the additional questions, you will see that the "respondent skipped this question". It's not possible to reverse this anonymization action.

b) Automatically via API

Please find more information here: https://docs.zenloop.com/reference#anonymise-recipient-data

The anonymization behaviour is the same as above, but using this method, you are able to anonymize a list of a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 100 recipients. To anonymize via our API, you will have to provide the identity of the survey recipient: This can be either an email or a custom identifier you use to differentiate customers in your system.

API Endpoint: https://api.zenloop.com/v1/recipients/anonymise
API request:


The advantage of this is that you can anonymize a survey recipient in all surveys using one API request.

c) Manually via our Admin tool

We also have the possibility to anonymize recipient data through our internal Admin tool. Please ask your Success Manager about it. With one click we can anonymize a survey recipient across your whole account.

d) Automatically after a certain time via our Admin tool

This functionality will anonymize each answer of your account after # days from when the answer has been created.


a) Manually on the platform

  • Go to your account and choose a survey

  • Search for a specific survey recipient using the respective e-mail address, any other identifier you are using, first and/or last name or properties

  • Click the trash button on the right

  • It will delete all the recipient data together with the response, all the feedback is gone. It's not possible to reverse this action.


This functionality will delete IP Addresses after # days after arrival for each answer of your account. We can do it in our Admin tool. Please ask your Success Manager about it.

😞 😐 😃