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Setting up "Tablet Channel"

Maria Herrell
Updated 11 months ago

Our "Tablet channel" allows you to collect responses from your customers right in the store.
This is great for gathering feedback about the product assortment, checkout process, in-store marketing, shop location and so on.

Getting Started

Setting up the tablet survey is a quick 5 step process:

  1. Create and customize your survey through our web interface.

  2. On the comment step, you can change the value for Inactive reset time, which stands for time until the survey will load back from the Comment page to the Scoring page, in case a user is not typing a comment .

  3. On the Implement step, we will generate a QR code and link, leading to the survey.

  4. Open the QR code or link, using your end device.

  5. Input your chosen device name and launch the survey.

Making changes

If you want to make changes to the content (change colours, content etc.), you can do this directly through our platform without altering the implementation. We will then pass this through to your tablet survey.


Solutions to common questions:

Q – Can I add recipients and/or properties?
A – No, currently it's not possible to add recipient identities or custom properties to tablet survey. We will attach "device name", that you specify on step 5., as a responses property.

Q – What does device name stand for?
A – Device name is required for your segmentation purposes, for example in order to track different implementations of the survey. You can launch the same survey on different devices/locations in the store or even in different stores. Later, using property "device name", you will be able to filter and analyze your responses within zenloop app.
Give a device name, that is meaningful to you, for example "South entrance A".

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